Meet Sonay Williams: The Email Marketing Maven You Need on Your Team


When it comes to email marketing, Sonay Williams is the expert you want in your corner. As the founder of Sonay & Co., she has helped countless businesses unlock the power of email to build meaningful connections and drive results. Her approach is strategic and deeply personal, making her one of the most trusted names […]

How to Stay Grounded When the Internet Feels Overwhelming


Let’s be honest—the internet has been a lot to handle lately. From election chaos to tragic headlines and ongoing social issues, it’s no wonder so many of us are feeling drained. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the constant stream of digital noise, you’re not alone. It’s easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of […]

Amber Simon: Founder of QUIVR and Advocate for Women’s Pleasure

Amber Simon

Amber Simon is not just any entrepreneur; she’s a trailblazer dedicated to transforming how we approach and discuss women’s pleasure. Through her innovative platform, QUIVR, Amber is empowering women to embrace their desires safely and unapologetically.  Amber Simon: A Force for Change Amber Simon is a staunch supporter of sexual liberation and education. Her approach […]

LaDonna Welch: Revolutionizing Education and Mental Health One Note at a Time


Meet LaDonna Welch, a dynamo who wears two very impactful hats—one as a beloved teacher and the other as an innovative entrepreneur. LaDonna Welch introduces you to a world where affirmations and culture collide in the most beautiful way. She is revolutionizing how we connect with our roots and find empowerment through her creation—Ebony Notes […]

How to Keep Your Social Media Strategy Fresh and Fun

Instagram feed

Is your social media strategy feeling a little stale? It happens to the best of us, but don’t worry—we’ve got some tips to help you keep things fresh and fun. Social media should be exciting, not a chore, so let’s get those creative juices flowing and bring some new energy to your content. Ready to […]

The Power of User-Generated Content: 4 Reasons Why Your Brand Needs It


Let’s talk about one of the most powerful tools in your social media arsenal—user-generated content (UGC). You know how good it feels when someone gives you a shoutout or a compliment? That’s exactly what UGC does for your brand. It’s like a big, virtual hug from your community, and trust us, it can do wonders […]

4 Tips to Find Your Brand’s Unique Voice on Social Media

Brand Assets

Let’s chat about something super important—finding your brand’s unique voice on social media. Just like in real life, your brand’s voice is what sets you apart and makes you memorable. Whether you’re the friend who’s always dropping wisdom or the one who’s all about the laughs, your brand’s voice should be just as distinct. Ready […]

10 Social Media Trends Every Business Owner Should Know as 2025 Approaches

Tiktok Trends

Alright, Sis—it’s that time again! Time to peek into the future and see what’s hot in the world of social media. As a business owner, keeping up with these trends isn’t just a good idea; it’s essential. 2025 is bringing some major shifts, and we’re here to give you the scoop on what you need […]

The Ultimate Guide to Managing Multiple Social Media Accounts


Managing one social media account is a feat—managing multiple? That’s next-level juggling, Sis! 🎪 But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Whether you’re handling different brands or keeping up with both personal and business profiles, this ultimate guide will help you stay organized and on top of your game. 1. Start with a Clear Strategy:   […]

How to Create a Social Media Strategy That Converts

African American woman working beside her bed

Ready to elevate your social media game? Just posting pretty pics and clever captions doesn’t cut it anymore. You need a strategy that doesn’t just gather likes but turns those double-taps into dollars! 💸 Let’s break down how you can create a social media strategy that’s not just on-trend but a real conversion powerhouse. Let’s […]